Thursday, July 12, 2012

Every morning while I'm out watering the garden I try to come up with a creative #shotofcoffee for instagram... which I'll admit I've become obsessed with lately.

Monday, June 4, 2012

So while I'm waiting for my friends to wrap their brains around what I'm doing here, I thought I would talk a bit about some people that have been on my mind the past few days, my family.

I did a lot of reflecting last week on my experiences in the past 50 years.  I have done a lot in my life, some good, some not so good.  One of the good things, my hubby Don.  Not only do we have a 21st birthday, a high school graduation, a sweet 16 and a 50th birthday to celebrate this year, but it is also "the Don's" and my 25th anniversary.  Check out these sweet images, lol!

This image shows another very good thing.  These are our beautiful and crazy daughters. This picture was taken on our way to my birthday dinner in Chicago last week.  Yes, they can all put up with one another, yes they are all crazy and yes, they all agreed to be held captive for about six hours to spend the night with mama. I could go on and on about each of them, but I think this picture says enough for now.

The number #1 goal I had since I've been a little girl is to raise normal kids when I grew up.  Well, maybe they are not normal, but they are happy.  When the family is happy, Mama is happy :)

Friday, June 1, 2012

I've been 50 for one day. My friends and I are starting this blog because we have a lot of stories about how we got here... mostly funny. We're happy to be here!